“All we have to decide is, what to do with the time that is given to us.”

-Gandalf the Grey

I take pictures and make videos of me doing stuff and talking about it. Farming, cooking, traveling, and just messing around!

I started with one YouTube channel and soon realized that the content was becoming too broad making navigation difficult. As my interests changed with time, I decided the best approach was to to break things down into more specialized channels.

Thanks for stopping by!

There is coffee on and beer in the fridge so make yourself at home.

I’m Christoph Kindred


The farming channel was the first channel and is mostly vlog style content centered around rural life and farming.

I love cooking and, at times, miss cooking in a commercial kitchen. The content here is food centric of course. Restaurants, cooking, eating, experimenting- you know…food.

The newest channel. I am currently in SE Asia absorbing the chaos and the beauty.

Whatever good things we build, end up building us.

Moving an old grain bin so it can be re-purposed.

Best of 2022… Or really just my faves.

Looking back, there are so many other photos I should have put in here but hind sight is…2022?

Adaptive skiing beaver creek

This was a challenging film to do in that I didn’t film any of it. In fact, I was 600 miles away. When my aunt and uncle told me they were going skiing, I asked if they would be interested in taking a couple of GoPros for the fun of it. I gave them a quick primer on how to use the cameras, adjusted a few settings, and they were off.

I had no idea what was on the media cards when the cameras came back so I was surprised that I was editing a kind of documentary.

In retrospect, I wish I would have used my Hero10 for the horizon leveling aspect but I was using that for vlogging on the farm.